Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Admit, I Got Lost

Oh, hello! Nice to see you again! I guess I've been anti computer lately, I don't really know what I've been doing. Stuff, I guess.

Sooooo, I've had to dig out the old clothes that I kept (very few by the way), and I've had to buy a few more things. I've lost 18.5 since Jan, when we started. I haven't been super at working out, hopefully the weather will warm up and it will be more fun to go jogging or something, because my goal now is to tone up! I've reached my first goal, now I'm on to my unrealistic goal. I'll be fine if I don't lose anymore, but a little would be super! I've been weighing the advantage of losing weight and losing my boobs or keeping all of it. Losing the boobs has won.

The weekend before last we went to Moab for a mini vaca. It was a lot of fun, and not restful at all. We did a hike each day, and with a 3 1/2 yr old in tow, is not so very easy. We all got a few great workouts in, which felt awesome AFTER the fact.. haha. If you ask Jack if he wants to hike to the waterfall, he will likely say "NO!"

I joined Audible.com to get my free month and got an audio book. I love audio books, cause you can keep your hands and body busy while still into fun book. Has anyone read Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati? LOVE. It's a continuation of Last of the Mohicans, I think she's written five or so. If you want a fun love/adventure story I suggest it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yes, Yes

I am down two more lbs. Congratulations to me. 24lbs in total. Get going girls.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yes, yes, yes...

Yes, tis the purpose of this blog.. thanks for bonking us on the heads again mom!

I know I've been using this excuse ALL FREAKING WINTER, but REALLY... when I finally get over being sick, I will be able to focus more on exercising, etc.

Today is nasty head cold, sore throat, upset stomach, tired, dizzy....AGAIN... however, I managed to dope myself up enough yesterday to actually exercise/get chores done.

So I'll focus on the good stuff I got done yesterday:

1) Walked Douglas to school, with Drew in stroller, on way home walked the length of the canal (paved portion), and around neighborhood to home. Total exercise = 35min. of walking

2) Mowed lawn. Total exercise = about 30min. of walking/pushing lawnmower

3) Moved large pile of wood in back corner of property... the branches that fell off of Keri's tree pre-Christmas, after a heavy wet snow storm.. that day was spent helping cut down branches, and cut into smaller pieces, then chucking them over the fence to be dealt with this spring...well yesterday I dealt with it. (Also, the fact that Douglas got a STOP and GO at school, and the PRINCIPLE of the school called to have him tell me WHY helped...I made Douglas work his butt off when he got home...hence wood pile moving)
Total exercise = 1 1/2 hours lifting, bending, pulling, piling, carting, hollering at Douglas to KEEP MOVING (Drew never did slow down), over and over and over.

So long story short, everyone slept relatively well last night, a lot got done yesterday, and Drew and I haven't done much but sit and stare at the tube today.... At least I have a cold to blame it on today, eh?

Oh and weight update? I hopped on my wii fit last week (for the first time in about a year) and found that I'd gained 9lbs. Perfect. Not really heading in the right direction here...

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm not lost!

I'm still here really! Just feeling a bit discouraged. I'm exercising 4-5 days a week, starving myself, drinking tons of water and still holding on to almost every ounce. I'm losing about 1 and 1/2 lbs a month. Never in my life has it been this hard. Still 14 lbs away from my goal and swimsuit season is starting very very soon. Argh.... Sorry to be such a downer. It just sucks big time.
But, there is a brighter side. I have lost 1 and 1/2 inches off my waist, an inch off my thighs and and an inch off my hips. Something is happening, just very very slowly.....

Are we lost?

Where is everyone? I am down another 2lbs. Isn't this the reason for the blog? Did everyone give up? Anyway, it is spring, even if the weather doesn't agree. Let's get out there and exercise. Report and give encouragement.