Monday, February 28, 2011

Ha Ha!

I'm down another 1 1/2 lbs! Wahoo! I've cut back another 1/3 what I eat and have super ramped up my exercise. It's working slowly, but surely. 15lbs to go by June....

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does shopping count as exercise?

So I went thrift shopping with Lauralee for about 4 hours today, does that count as exercise? How bout corralling Drew through the shops full of breakables in tight quarters...
Still waiting on the tax return to get my rec center membership...dumb gov. delayed it another week... rude....

Down 1lb

It is snowing again. We got 7 inches yesterday, light enough to melt, but today we got another 4 inches of wet snow and it is snowing again. I lost another lb, so I am down 10. That made my day even with the snow. Lee wants dessert tonight, so it will probably be disastrous for me. I will only eat a bite. I am motivated now. I did 10 minutes on the Nordic Track today also. yay for me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Twix for Valentines...

Matt got me Twix for Valentines day and I can't tell you how good it is! It's been a nice treat, and helped me not snack on the neighbors dreaded chocolate cupcakes with mint frosting. I'm doing good with no sugar...but still need to cut down proportions a bit...I'm not loosing that fast.

Finally starting to feel better so I'll be able to taste food again, and care what I'm eating...and exercise! I haven't been to a real karate class cause I got so sick...shooting for next week!

So to do you spell candy with two letters?

C and Y ...hehehe a little elementary humor for ya!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I did it. I am down another 3lbs. That makes 9lbs total. I eat one meal a day and just a snack at night. Works for me. I am so tired of gray. I want green so bad. Next week I will be planting my tomatoes inside, so that will help. Good job all of you. It is fun reading all about you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We are all better now (sorry, don't mean to rub that in Steff.). I started the week off really great, I did P90x 4 days in a row, then Sean took Thurs., Friday off and I just didn't want to do it. So, I'm starting again Tues when he goes back to work :o). My eating has been pretty bad, I've had crazy cravings and have over indulged, eek. However, Sean suggested I wear some pants today that I haven't worn it years, really, years. THEY FIT! Woohoo ah huh! It gives me more motivation to keep trying.

Friday, February 18, 2011


So I took Douglas back to the Doctor today, because since his visit for ear infections last Sat. he's been deaf! Hasn't been able to hear much (or at least me talking to him) all week. I almost left Drew home with Dudley, but he wanted to come too, so I brought him along. All I can say is "good thing!"
Dr. Sylvia Morin is AWESOME! She checked out Douglas, said he's doing ok, but gave him a stronger antibiotic to kick the ear infections in the butt.. then asked me how Drew was doing? I told her he had a cold as well, but hadn't been acting too bad or complaining too much. She asked to check him real quick, turns out he has a bad ear infection in his right ear, AND RSV! My goodness! I told her how he's been keeping me up for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night, basically every night, but I had assumed it was because of his cold, he hasn't complained to me about ear pain at all! Yes he's been a little whiney, and yes he hasn't been eating that well, and yes he's had a cough, but nothing like what Douglas has been doing. Douglas' cough was pretty much non-stop, Drew coughs 2-4 times a day, it sounds bad, but isn't constant. What I've come to realize is that Drew doesn't complain anywhere near as much as Douglas does! Even their Doc said he was a laid back kid!
To top it off, I told her that Dudley had been to the Doc yesterday for sinus infection/general crappiness, she told me RSV in adult usually manifests as a severe cold that takes forever to clear up. She thinks the whole family has it! Blah!
Good news is she isn't too worried about Drew, said its almost better for kids that age to let it run its course, but to get back with her if he isn't sounding better in a week. She stuck both boys on antibiotics and told me to keep everyone home for a few days.
Good thing it's a long weekend eh?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feelin' Groovy!

Okay, I only get to gloat about living in El Paso twice a year. In February/March and October/November. The weather is awesome! It is mid 70's to 80 degrees this week! I love it. Sammie and I get in the stroller and go for a 1 1/2 mile walk/run every morning. No riding my stationary bike in the messy cold garage. We hear the birds and dogs, see the sprinklers on and chat with each other or whomever we are walking with that day. It's starts the day right and I get lots of exercise which makes me want to eat healthy the rest of the day. Did I mention it's awesome?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week from H E double hockey pucks...

So this week has been REALLY hard... Drew has not slept a full night this week. He's been in my room/bed every night around 1am, then wakes up when I try to move him back to his bed. Two of the nights I ended up sleeping with him next to me until 5:30am, only to wake up with kinked neck, dead arms (from sleeping on the very edge of the bed), and bad attitudes. Then Douglas gets up at 7am, and Drew thinks he should get up too! How is he functioning? He doesn't nap during the day!
Last night was night 4 (or 5? I'm losing track), he crashed around 9:30pm and did wait until 3:ooam to come bug me. I dealt with him thinking it was play time, burrowing under covers to the bottom of the bed, only to throw a fit cause he can't find his way out, until 5:45am. I'd finally had it, plopped him into his bed and locked the door on him. Of course he ends up banging on the door crying, and Dudley (ever so helpful) wakes up to tell me to just go get him... REALLY? I told him it was his turn and ignored the crying. You know you've had enough when you just don't care what is wrong with the kid anymore. aarrrrggghhhh..
I'm assuming this is all due to the cold he now has full blast, runny nose, bad cough, fever, etc. He did sleep in until 10am this morning and grabbed a 15min nap in the car today.

So all this rambling leads to... I haven't even tried to moderate or exercise all week. Too tired to care!
However, I am determined to get a Rec center pass with my tax returns. I plan to get Douglas home from school every day and head straight over. They have some kid programs Douglas can do, and free daycare for 1 hour with the pass, so I can get them both situated, and run into a class or weight room! That's the plan, 5 days a week. Just need about $350 for the pass and we're gonna get movin!

Hope you are all doin' much better!

Feel the Burn

Everyone is feeling better today, yay! I woke up feeling great! I worked out for 90 min this morning, doing P90X. I'm feeling it already so I can imagine what the next two days will be like. Eating is going alright, I'm doing the all things in moderation approach.

I'm feeling better and that was one of my biggest goals.. woohoo!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Day two of karate!

It's a blast, and I'm more embarrassed in hindsight of my less then gracious attempted running chicken kick but really running up, loosing my balance and falling on my hiney moment than I was at the time!!!

I guess thank goodness for that, but did it really have to happen at the end of my individual level when the adults and teens were warming up for their class? Couldn't it have happened at the beginning?

I'm saved by the fact that no one thinks as much about me as I it'll probably be forgotten by next class...right? (This is where you all must comment and agree with me...)

I had a crazy birthday, dessert, birthday cake weekend and probably undid much of my good workness of the previous weeks...but hey, birthday cake is GOOD!

I did get out of eating what I'm sure would have been way too much Manicotti tonight as Hannah dropped the glass pan, shattering it and all the fresh-from-the-oven Manicotti all over the floor, plus I got the extra workout of trying to get it all cleaned up and the floor mopped, cupboards and appliances scrubbed and garbage taken out, before the babysitter came...all in all I should probably thank Hannah...

My tummy hasn't seemed to improve much yet, but my back doesn't flop when I run down the stairs anymore so I feel like I have made forward progress!

signing out...

Oh NO!

I've fallen off the wagon hard, and it hurt! I'm running to catch it but keep missing. Ok, I got sick, with the rest of the sickos in our house. I decided to not worry about it when I'm sick. I've done really really bad. I won't list what I've eaten because you'll get hungry reading it. I've continued to write down what I'm eating and drinking so I have a great journal of my week off. I'm starting to feel better but still have a bit of a cough. I'll start working out again soon. Yay. Boo for sick. You guys are ROCKIN! Way to go!

Hanging In There!

Okay, besides the fact that for we had a Super Bowl party with lots of goodies (including mint chocolate brownies at Sierra's birthday request), birthday cake and peanut butter cookies for Sierra's class, I'm doing okay. While the kids were home for 6, yes 6, days. It was hard to be on task and eat right and exercise. But, now they are back in school!! Yeah!! I have maintained my negative 3 lbs and are working on the next three. I exercise 3 -4 days a week and for at least 4 days eat really really well. I have 17 lbs to go and 4 months to do it in.....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sleep Kidea

I've decided I don't have sleep apnea, I have sleep kidea.

Douglas was up coughing ALL NIGHT LONG, kept himself and I up, and Drew was in my bed from 1am to 5:30am. I did put him back in his bed twice, but he'd wake up just as I put him down and kick and cry and come back in bed with me. So I got kicked all night, listened to Douglas cough all night (at one point heard moaning and went to check on him, he was wandering around the room moaning), and in between it all the dogs and cats thought that SINCE I was up, they should go outside for awhile.

Poor Douglas can't breathe or quit coughing and his Dr. isn't in until tomorrow. Gonna be a fun couple of days!

Gonna try to nap today, hope the rest of you have a better day!

Oh yeah, Drew started coughing this morning... we have the plague I tell you!
I keep trying, but I haven't lost any more weight. I did buy some valentine cookies, but that didn't do anything. I want spring, so I can be outside and not think about food. Good job Shellie and all of you who are exercising. Does tending kids count? I have to shovel snow this morning. I think that will count. We can only hope.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly updates?

Everyone is winding down on posting here.. c'mon it's only February! Sheesh!
So maybe the idea of doing weekly posts would work better?

I went to my brain doctor today (just to get my drivers licence renewal approved), and she informed me about a few issues that can cause sleep apnea:
* Weight gain
* Acid reflux
* Allergies or other sinus problems
* Allergy or antihistamine medication
* Depression or Anxiety medication
* Neck and tonsil size

These are the most common, and here are the effects of sleep apnea:
* High blood pressure
* Stroke
* Heart Failure, irregular heart beats, heart attacks
* Diabetes
* Depression
* Worsening of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Signs of sleep apnea include:
* Snoring
* Daytime sleepiness
* Feeling unrefreshed after a nights sleep
* Memory and concentration problems
* Morning or night headaches
* Personality changes
* Heartburn or sour taste in mouth at night
* Swelling of legs
* Frequent urination during the night
* Sweating or chest pain while asleep
* Tossing and turning
* Episodes of not breathing
* Nighttime choking or gasping

Sounds like just about anybody can fall into some if not quite a few of these categories, huh?

When I did my overnight sleep test 3 years ago, I woke up on average 3 times per hour. Many effects of sleep apnea are treated without giving thought to this being the cause. Once diagnosed you need to sleep with a CPAP (mask to keep your airways open), an oral dental device, or have surgery to correct the blockage of your airway.

Hmmmm... interesting. My doctor isn't pressuring me to do anything unless I feel I need to, but she suggested strongly that I exercise before DINNER, not in the morning as generally suggested. This should help me sleep better. She also told me NOT TO GAIN WEIGHT. (Hence the relativity of this post to 'Our Tiny Hiney's) Another suggestion was to use a treadmill daily.

So, now I have even MORE reason to get my butt in gear and get some exercising done!

On my nutrition note:
Doing well today after having 2 chocolate chip cookies for breakfast (on the way to the Dr...easiest thing to grab), for lunch however I had a salad, and dinner was cream cheese potato soup. (Did I exercise before dinner? NO! What the (*@#&$& is wrong with me? I did cruise KSL looking at used treadmills though!)

I got some Pepsi throwback on sale over the weekend, and realized today that every time I drink one my heart rate increases dramatically, to the point of discomfort. Guess who won't be drinking any more of those? I'm also going to try to cut down to 1 Coke a day, eventually weaning off completely. Will let you know!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Okay you go!

I've exercised twice this week already (it's Wednesday!) Pretty good, kick my tushy latin dancing 20 minuter, and last night's was a 20 minute abs and lower back...I only had to stop on the last two elbow to knee crunches!

Karate starts next Tuesday.

I haven't touched desserts besides my Sunday freebie...

I've over-eaten once (darn those pork burrito leftovers)...but done great the rest of the time! Today I had fettucini alfredo from Pizza factory...not too healthy, but okay sometimes. And I've decided to try to have dinner for everyone before six. If it's after six I have to eat really light.

I'm also downing my 32 oz cup of water at least one a day...working on going through 2.

Oatmeal every morning.

Desperatly wanting something sweet and sugary...but so far I've settled for a strawberry.

All in all, don't know if I'm loosing weight, but I feel great!