Friday, February 11, 2011

Week from H E double hockey pucks...

So this week has been REALLY hard... Drew has not slept a full night this week. He's been in my room/bed every night around 1am, then wakes up when I try to move him back to his bed. Two of the nights I ended up sleeping with him next to me until 5:30am, only to wake up with kinked neck, dead arms (from sleeping on the very edge of the bed), and bad attitudes. Then Douglas gets up at 7am, and Drew thinks he should get up too! How is he functioning? He doesn't nap during the day!
Last night was night 4 (or 5? I'm losing track), he crashed around 9:30pm and did wait until 3:ooam to come bug me. I dealt with him thinking it was play time, burrowing under covers to the bottom of the bed, only to throw a fit cause he can't find his way out, until 5:45am. I'd finally had it, plopped him into his bed and locked the door on him. Of course he ends up banging on the door crying, and Dudley (ever so helpful) wakes up to tell me to just go get him... REALLY? I told him it was his turn and ignored the crying. You know you've had enough when you just don't care what is wrong with the kid anymore. aarrrrggghhhh..
I'm assuming this is all due to the cold he now has full blast, runny nose, bad cough, fever, etc. He did sleep in until 10am this morning and grabbed a 15min nap in the car today.

So all this rambling leads to... I haven't even tried to moderate or exercise all week. Too tired to care!
However, I am determined to get a Rec center pass with my tax returns. I plan to get Douglas home from school every day and head straight over. They have some kid programs Douglas can do, and free daycare for 1 hour with the pass, so I can get them both situated, and run into a class or weight room! That's the plan, 5 days a week. Just need about $350 for the pass and we're gonna get movin!

Hope you are all doin' much better!

1 comment:

  1. I'm soo sorry. That is absolutely miserable. I can only get better from here right? The rec pass sounds like a fabulous idea. I hope it works for you.
