Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feelin' Groovy!

Okay, I only get to gloat about living in El Paso twice a year. In February/March and October/November. The weather is awesome! It is mid 70's to 80 degrees this week! I love it. Sammie and I get in the stroller and go for a 1 1/2 mile walk/run every morning. No riding my stationary bike in the messy cold garage. We hear the birds and dogs, see the sprinklers on and chat with each other or whomever we are walking with that day. It's starts the day right and I get lots of exercise which makes me want to eat healthy the rest of the day. Did I mention it's awesome?


  1. Did I mention you suck? Just wait until June/July/August!

  2. When we come to visit this is the month we'll have to come. It's spring fever city in my house. It snowed the night before last and it was so windy we lost power for a few hours. I'm so glad that it's so lovely for you guys, it sounds heavenly! I'd be feelin groovy too!
