Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh NO!

I've fallen off the wagon hard, and it hurt! I'm running to catch it but keep missing. Ok, I got sick, with the rest of the sickos in our house. I decided to not worry about it when I'm sick. I've done really really bad. I won't list what I've eaten because you'll get hungry reading it. I've continued to write down what I'm eating and drinking so I have a great journal of my week off. I'm starting to feel better but still have a bit of a cough. I'll start working out again soon. Yay. Boo for sick. You guys are ROCKIN! Way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ter! Hope you get feeling better...when I'm sick and don't want to exercise, I stretch...not sure if it does anything, but I feel better!
