Friday, April 1, 2011

Don't know about you...

Where are we you ask? I have a feeling that life has become so darn busy for everyone, that we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off, just trying to keep up! (That's how my life is lately anyway... just guessin' about the rest of you!)

So I'm counting the yard work, furniture refinishing, re-locating just about everything in my house, walking to school to pick up Douglas, playing on jungle gym's with little boys for 20-30min a day, walking home, accompanying Douglas and a slew of first graders to the Clarke Planetarium yesterday, and just trying to keep up on the housework as EXERCISE!

Oh yeah, not to mention the ga-jillion tons of food storage we bought today, carried to car, unloaded from car to kitchen, sorted, organized, put into plastic buckets, and carried downstairs, then maneuvered into the crawl space and organized and stacked down there... oh yeah, don't forget yesterday's inventory of food in crawl space, pulling buckets, boxes, and various odds and ends out of stored place, then putting them back where they came from!


I'm so freaking tired!

I think it's called spring....

That's where I've been, you?


  1. Go Steff! You are doing awesome! When are you not getting a bazillion things done??

  2. You get so much stuff done! Holy Moly!
