Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Plan

I decided to start doing Weight Watchers today. I haven't really been tracking anything, I was just trying to eat better. I was eating a lot more snack food than was wise. Soooo, new plan! I've done WW before, way back when and it works great for me. If anyone else is interested, I've seen all of the books and everything for sale on Ebay. I think it's awesome.

I had a yummy lunch. I cooked about 2 c. of spinach and some onions in the skillet (in a little olive oil). Then I added 1 slice of turkey, chopped, and some diced tomatoes (really, lots of tomatoes) and some eggs; one whole egg and an egg white. I scrambled it all together and topped it with some mango salsa. Super YUM! I'm over on my veggies today. Hooray!!!


  1. Are you paying to do Weight Watchers? If not.. how/what/where? Share your info. please!

    Lunch sounds awesome (except the salsa...but that's just me)..

    Good job!

  2. Nope, not paying for it, I got all of the books years and years ago from my sister (so I'm doing the old program, but it works for me). All foods are assigned "points" based on fiber, calories and fat grams. So you have books that tell you how many points are in foods and a little sliding chart. I'm kind of thinking of getting the books for the new program, but since I know this works for me and I don't have to buy anything else I may just stick with the old plan.
