Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pyramid Tracker hint...

So I'm thinking I'm totally awesome today, because I had toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast.. pretty much skipped lunch (was still full from breakfast), I did cave and have a few (6) of the new oreo's that have a chocolate cookie side and a vanilla cookie side....(not sure if I love them? But they went down fast!), then I made MINESTRONE soup for dinner! Talk about veggie packed! Cabbage, carrots, celery, zucchini, kidney beans, tomatoes, potato's, and a few meatballs... sounds healthy eh?
The tracker has an option for 'homemade minestrone'.. i chose that... big mistake. My calorie intake was over by 700 all of a sudden & my sodium intake by 2000! I DON'T THINK SO! So I entered in the ingredients one at a time.. other than the fresh and dried-by-me herbs.. really they can't contain many calories, can they? Much better results.

So.. moral of the story.. enter your foods in individually if you want correct tracking...


  1. I figured out the same thing when I made vegetable soup. Where in the world are they getting their information from?? Who puts in that much fat and sodium in homemade soup. It's such a pain to do the individual ingredients though. I'm deciding how much longer I want to stick with it. It did teach me how many calories and such were in everything and how quickly they add up though..

  2. Yeah.. it's a good way to get 'into the rhythm' of watching and counting what you eat... but it does require too much time sometimes. Especially when you're entering stuff at 9pm after everyone is finally in bed.. really easy to forget everything little thing you've eaten during the day...
