Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oh yeah... weekends are free right?

Wow.. slept in until 9am this morning! I can totally tell the difference! I took the kids to Lowe's build and grow at 10, ran to the store, then home to cook crepes (aka bullets) for brunch! I know.. very low in calories... all the sugar, whipped cream, canned cherries....ya baby!
Then I did even better for lunch, grilled cheese, grapes, and a slice of ham! Can't get much better than this! Until tonight that is... I'm making Chicken Linguine Carbonara for dinner, substituting chicken with deep fried turkey that Dudley is working on as I type this, it has heavy cream in it too....and bacon...mmmmmm. (see the recipe here: Wow. What a stellar taste bud day! And I wonder why I'm not losing weight?

I did spend 2 1/2 hours scrubbing my kitchen cabinets and floors on my hands and knees today! That counts as exercise right? Maybe not enough to work off the comfort foods from the day, but better than nuthin! My kitchen hasn't been this clean since I moved in!


  1. Holy Cow!! I just ate and you are making me hungry. Better run that 10k marathon tomorrow!!

  2. Does walking to church and back count?

    didn't get to the linguine yet...we ended up eating turkey, baked potato, and peas. Tomorrow night is Linguine night now! Will let you know how it is!
