Sunday, January 2, 2011

The reason behind it all...

Hello all! Welcome to Losing Lassies!

I know most of us are always thinking about losing at least a 'bit' of weight, but its so easy to just think about it without taking any actual "action". I came up with the idea a couple of weeks ago that creating a blog about my weight loss goals, food habits, etc. might actually make me focus more on actually taking action towards weigh loss, food management, and all the other fun associated with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Then I had an 'a-ha!' moment when I realized that if I invited all my sisters, sisters in-law, mother, and whoever else might benefit, to join the blog that I might act/react even better because now I theoretically have peers checking in on my goals and progress! Someone to hold me accountable! I might actually lose some weight!

So that is the reason Losing Lassies was created (Thank you Shellie for the name! And thank you Teri for setting up the blog!). Now it's time for everyone to start posting what their individual goals/plans are, and how you plan to accomplish them.

Also, I found the nutritional website I used to use during college that was awesome! It helps you track your daily food intake, calories, etc. Also shows you what you are lacking and should be adding to your diet. The website is:

Go sign up and play with it a bit... great tool to use!

1 comment:

  1. All right we go!!!!

    I've got 11 pounds and about three inches to loose off my waist.

    My goal: to look totally hot by summer!

    Action: Only one dessert a week for THE WHOLE YEAR, and exercise at least four times a week for 20 minutes. Whew! Holidays are exceptions (Only immediate family's birthdays count) and off I go!
