Monday, January 3, 2011

Teri's Plan

Way to go Steff for having us write out our plan. Having an actual plan will probably be good for me.

Goals: Increased energy and a physically fit physique (I want to see some defined muscles!).

How am I going to do this?
  1. Eat more whole, raw or fresh foods (5 servings a day)
  2. Drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day (keep track)
  3. Exercise 4 days a week for 30min to an hour
  4. Eat smaller portions, be careful about snacks
  5. Weigh in once a week to keep track of my progress
If all I get out of this is more energy and stronger muscles, I'm totally fine with that, but losing a little weight would be super!

That is pretty much my plan sista's! Can't wait to hear yours!

I'm excited about 2011, it's going to be a really awesome year! Mini Triathlon?


P.S. I changed the name of the blog, cause Shellie called this morning and asked if we'd named it yet cause she had a great one! We had a good laugh and decided we love "Our Tiny Hiney's". I was able to change the blogger address too.

Also, I put the link to the website Steff found just to the right, under Handy Links, so it's easy to find.

Also #2; How would you like this blog to be viewed? Do you mind if everyone can read/find it or do you want it to be viewed by invitation only? I don't mind either way?

1 comment:

  1. Teri Teri bo-berry this sounds so very very fine...AWESOME!
