Monday, January 17, 2011

Shopping; No Better Motivator

I went shopping with some friends over the weekend. I really don't think there is a better motivator for me, finding some super cute pants on sale. I just really don't want to buy anything until I get to where I would like to be.

Yesterday Sean made meatloaf, green beans, and noodles for lunch. I had a small portion of meatloaf and green beans, no noodles. Dinner we had a chef salad. Today, for breakfast I had Kashi Go Lean oatmeal (have you had it? sooo yummy) with a little added honey and a splash of milk. Lunch we had another chef salad because it was so delish.

The weekend was awesome... lol. I made tons of cinnamon rolls, and of course ate some. We went to Stacie's and Kyle made some of his yummy deliciousness, that I can never just eat a little of. At least at my weigh in this morning, I didn't gain anything, but didn't lose anything either.


  1. I agree about that shopping's a great motivater...with the exception of swimsuits...then I don't feel motivated, I feel like curling up into fetal position and eating a bowl of cookie dough. Pants though...yeah "I need to exercise"

  2. Too funny Shellie! I hope, come May I will be excited to shop for a swimming suit. You though, my dear, are adorable and should LOVE to shop for a swim suit. You look amazing!
