Friday, January 21, 2011

Soooooo Tired!

I totally suck the last part of this week... Drew has been keeping me up late, in the middle of the night and getting up pretty early. He then runs me ragged all day with no naps. I'm so tired I don't think about eating until I'm literally shaking from hunger!

I did great at the beginning of the week, pretty much ate EVERY vegetable in the house (literally.. there were a few sad looking baby carrots in my crisper until today.. very sad), which is good, until you have to wait for payday to buy more... however I did keep dinners as healthy as possible, Salmon, rice and canned green beans last night for example. Just got home from grocery shopping and now have tons of veggies again.. something to look forward to!

I really am going to try to get on my wii fit soon.. it will weigh me and keep me informed whether I like it or not!

I REALLY need to dig out my body for life book!


  1. No sleep can slowly kill you, I swear. I go a little nuts when I'm not sleeping. I was there a few weeks ago, so I hope that you can get a good night sleep very very soon, it does a world of good. Your doing awesome with the veggies, way to go woman!!!!

  2. I have so much fun with Wii fit, though I was doing it while pregnant and it was not happy with all the weight I was gaining! I'll have to pull it out when our basement is back will be impressed by my weight loss...
