Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First karate class...check!

All right! I did my first real karate class last night! Besides making a few poor teenagers uncomfortable when they had to kick me, it went great!

Cardio, flexibility, and some strength training! And I only fell on my hiney, my pride got a workout too!

Eating is going well, kept to my desserts (though I'm counting one day of my Park City weekend a holiday so I get a dessert) and besides having one extra scone portions have been good.

It's hard though cause I really could eat double what I do and not feel full... I can eat a lot.

I've added two extra snacks into my day since I cut my meals down. It's really helped, and my spare tire is starting to get a little June I'm hoping to fit well into my skinny jeans.

I haven't heard much from Teri or're you guys doing?

1 comment:

  1. Go Shellie! I can't believe you are doing that on top of sick kids.. You're awesome!
