Saturday, July 30, 2011

My First Race

I'm signing up for my first 5K . I'm still way way way slow (13 min miles), however I'm going to sign up so I have a goal and I can push myself a little harder (I really have no idea what I'm doing as far as training goes). My 5K is on Aug 28 (Connor's first football game). I found a new app that I like better than any of the others I've used (so far, I've only used it twice), it has some really great features. It's called Log My Run, it's awesome! They have different training downloads that people can post to it that you can use. I started a 5 week to 5K yesterday.

Yesterday I walked a mile at the track then jogged and walked a little on the second mile. Connor and Sean did some sprints. Sean about killed himself, and even mowed the front yard and the back until Connor took over. When we came home I did 30 min of yoga, 3 sets of 15 girl push ups and 3 sets of crunches 20 straight, 20 to the left and 20 to the right.

I just got back from my 2 mile jog/walk (13 min miles again). I'll get faster, but it's a little discouraging seeing that pace. I just need to remember I'm just starting out and I've never run before, I've always really really really hated it, so I'm doing pretty dern good, I guess! I'm sure I'll do something else today, I just haven't made up my mind yet.

I started sanding Chloe's new bed, it's a pretty good right arm work out!


  1. Wahoo! Go Super Teri! You are going to get there sooner than you think. (I think a 13 min. mile is awesome. Consider where you were 6 months ago...)

  2. Thanks Shannon! I was sitting on the couch 6 months ago, with not a thought of running going through my head.. lol.
