Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh, my calves!

Yesterday as part of my running training, I did killer (we shall call them) intervals (sprint as long as you can, about 30 sec. for me then walk for about a min or two). I did this for 3 miles. It sucked so goooood! I was sucking wind so hard at about 2.5 miles, I inhaled a little bug, extra protein, so it's all good. Today doing stairs is pretty painful, but a really good painful. Today is mow the lawn day, which I usually include as a workout. I will surely feel those calves mowing. I think I'll also hook up the bike trailer and take the little ones with me on a ride. I love my bike route. I ride down a country road which hooks up to a paved path that goes along the Jordan River and goes under Pioneer Crossing, then I ride Pioneer home. It's so much easier without the kido's, so it's a nice work out.

My proud moment: The day before yesterday (yes, it was Sun. and I needed it so bad, it was so relaxing). I hadn't done anything for two days and I was going a little nutty, being home with sick little Chloe, and it was my week to teach the crazy 9 year olds in our ward. I needed to clear that little head of mine! I jogged for a little more than a mile and a half straight!!!! Never, ever in my life have I been able to do that. I've learned that the trick is keeping my heart rate at about 75-80% of max. It was awesome! I felt so great. Now I'm mixing it up with intervals to build up my speed and endurance. I hope it works!

Thanks for posting guys! It's keeping motivated to kill it! Shannon, you are kickin' it!!!


  1. I'm impressed! An entire mile and a half! That's a lot. I think I'm at a quarter of a mile... maybe... Go Teri!

  2. AAAARrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!

    That's it..
