Thursday, July 21, 2011

Night Swimming

The kids had been asking to go night swimming for awhile now and last night seemed to be the night. We climbed in about 7:30 and swam and swam 'til it got dark. Then, David got the kids out at 9:30 and let me swim by myself. It was awesome!! If you ever get a chance to go swimming by yourself at night, do it do it do it. It's so much fun looking up at the stars and not having to worry about kids or anything else. Plus, I did some great water aerobics and swam about 100 laps. (Not that big of a deal if you knew how small my pool is.)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so heavenly, way to go on the 100 laps! I bet you got your heart rate up for a good while, good job!!! My dad had a pool when I was growing up, I loved to swim at night. I didn't swim at night alone much, cause I was scared :0). I wish we had a pool (if we had a pool boy, I guess we have a Connor though).
