Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Two, yes, count them two hamburgers for lunch...and 3 bullets for dinner. No exercise yet this week. Argh...I'm starting karate next week, so at least exercise should go up...cause all I need is the thought of myself red-cheeked and uncoordinated in front of a full length mirror and several men I don't know to get me motivated! Hey...wait a second...


  1. He he he.. ha ha ha....
    Been there, done that... only I was 17, in college, acne covered & the guys in the class were for the most part very cute! I felt oh so gorgeous!
    Have fun!

  2. Your right, Karate is an awesome workout. You'll do great! Fun.

  3. I loved doing karate. Except when I got embarrassed when I screwed up cuz I was checking out the guy behind my in the mirror when I was supposed to be doing a kick and totally fell over. Don't do that...
