Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 and 3

Yesterday I did much better than today, but today isn't over so maybe I can make up for some of it ;o). I ended up Zumbaing for an hour, it was really fun and I'm officially a little... "special" (I was going to say retarded, but that's not very politically correct) at it. I'm not as sore today as I thought I'd be, but I did sweat, so that's good. Eating was pretty good. I had wheat toast for breakfast, Shannon's Smoothie for snack, a slice of cheese pizza (yes, it was nummy) w/a little salad for lunch, and dinner was a sweet pork burrito (we didn't get our fill at Stacie's this weekend) I loaded it with veggies and used Fage (greek yogurt) instead of sour cream. I also made Steff's rice, because it has butter in it, I was trying to figure how to make it a little more healthy (because I really really like butter), so I used short grain brown rice, and it was really good.

Today... oh today... I started out really good. I had Special K for breakfast, I even measured 3/4 cup for one serving. I had an orange and a half and (this is where it starts to go downhill) two pieces of french bread (with butter). For lunch I had two sweet pork burritos, not exactly my smaller portions goal. I had to go to Wal Mart to get diapers and I picked up treats for our primary class for Sun. I got something that our whole family would like, a big bag of fun size Twix. I ate 4 on the way home, AND I went to the drive thu at Del Taco and got a Macho Mr. Pibb, because the 5.5 hours of sleep a night for the last several nights isn't totally agreeing with me. I have a giant headache now (the kind that makes you pretty sure you'll puke) I think from the caffeine??? I think for dinner I will have Shannon's Smoothie. Exercise: When I was up at 3:30 this morning I thought I would just work out then, because I wouldn't have any little kids asking me for something 4 times while I'm exercising or have a baby hugging my legs... but I thought and thought that it's important to get enough sleep too, so I should try that. I have yet to exercise, and likely will not because I feel blech. Today was not so awesome, but I got all my fruits and veggies in today!

I watched the season premier of Biggest Loser last night. I love that show. The contestants are so inspiring to me. At the finale for last season I told Sean that I'm going to start when the new season starts, I could be in kickin' shape by the finale. I'm going to have to kick it up a notch, I think. Speaking of biggest loser, Do you guys have the "Biggest Loser for Families Cookbook"? We really like it, we've only tried one recipe in there that we didn't really care for. I highly recommend it.


  1. You are almost awesome!!! I can totally see myself eating candy bars all the way home from the store. I know you can do it! (I really want a pork burrito now.)

  2. Ahhh... the results of no sleep. I swear, if anything is going to get you, that is it. when you haven't had enough sleep you just don't care, plus on top of it you have the need to be comforted, hence comfort food. Well, just enjoy it for the day, try to get good sleep that night & start over the next day! We've all done it/been there!
