Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I think I'm doing good...

Over last weeks four day weekend, I went a little overboard with the food. A few Oreo's, a little bowl of ice cream, pizza... You get the picture. Then, I got sick on Thursday. No exercising. So, on Friday I opted out of weighing myself. (I know, ME!) But, since I didn't do all that well, I figured it would just disappoint me and I would be depressed. The big weigh in is THIS Friday. Yikes. So, I am back to doing super awesome! Exercise every morning, 1200 - 1300 calorie days, 70-80 oz of water a day, and I am even going to bed early and getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. On my first weigh in I had dropped 3 lbs. Wish me luck for my second. Is it silly to get nervous over this??


  1. I totally commented and it didn't post! Okay here it goes again...

    Getting nervous causes adrenalin, which causes your heart to pump faster, using more of the energy which burns calories quicker causing you to loose more weight! Feel free to feel nervous, in fact maybe you should shoot for terrified!

  2. Let's call this Shellie's new diet plan!

    However, getting STRESSED from being nervous can couter-affect the whole adrenalin kick...sooo make sure you get nervous over stuff you won't stress about!

    Good luck with that!
