Thursday, January 27, 2011

No weigh in this week...

It sounds reasonable in my head, but really I'm a total coward. It's the time of the month and I always weigh more that lovely week, so I'm skipping weigh in 'til next week. Reasonable or cowardly? I've been disappointed so much the past year, I don't want to continue being disappointed especially when I am trying so hard. So, I have one more week to be totally awesome (which y'know I almost always am) then I get to stand on the scale and prove it!! But, tomorrow I'm making a big 'ol batch of cookies....

1 comment:

  1. Don't blame you at all! I don't have to deal with that because of my IUD, however I think I still do the emotional thing monthly, and probably some water retention. I say that in that week anything goes!
