Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Checking In

I was just talking to Shellie, she mentioned that she just posted and since I haven't even logged into the computer for at least a week... I thought I betta. You all are doing aaaammmmaaaazzzzing!!! I'm totally impressed.

I'm feeling more and more like myself everyday, it's awesome getting energy back and feeling good. Seriously, feeling good is AWESOME! I hope I never take it for granted. Other than being a mom, doing mom duties, my exercise has kind of tanked. I keep trying to think It's only an hour of the day, the hour will go by whether I take advantage of the time and work out, or not. It seems so easy... not for me. When the weather gets warmer I'm going to start walking more. Walking, for exercise walking, swinging your hips and arms walking. Except I'll have a stroller so I won't be able to do much of the swinging arms walking. I don't know that I'll ever be a runner, though I've always loved runners bodies, it probably won't be me. My eating has been going really well and I've lost a total of 11.5 pounds since we started. I'm fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into in a few years which feels really great. Sean has started also and is doing great! I've been so impressed with him. A friend of ours introduced us to an app for our phones, it's a lot like the one Steff told us all about. It's nice cause we always have it with us. It's called MyFitnessPal if any of you'd like to download it. It's purdy awesome.

I was watching Kathy Lee and Hoda yesterday, they had a dietitian on with a little segment on foods that suppress your appetite. I thought it was great so here's the link. I can't wait to get some grapefruit!

Great job lady lou's! Keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. AArrrggghhh! 11.5 lbs? How would that be?
    Go woman! You always look amazing, and now will even more so!
